Sailing Lessons
Sailing lessons are available from Sailing Instructor Lauren Copus for those adult sailors interested in improving their sailing skills and to Jr. sailors who may need some individual attention in fine tuning their sailing skills for Regattas, the Master Calss and the Jr. Summer Sailing Academy. All students must be at least 9 years of age, weigh a minimum of 60 pounds, be in good health, know how to swim and will wear a Type III life vest. Boats available for lessons are: C14 and C18. The selection of boats for individual lessons is left to the judgement and discretion of the Instructor.
$50 Individual Lesson and $40 per person Shared Lesson, maximum 2.
Please text Lauren at 760-670-6762 and use the registration link below to register and pay for the lesson through Pay Pal. Payment must be received prior to the scheduled lesson.
For further information or questions, please contact the Rear Commodore at 818-889-4820 or via our Contact Form.